Share specs, Not execution

There should be a clear rule: Share the specs, not the execution. This post tales the tale of why this is important and how two tools, Swagger and Postman, can work with this rule.…
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Introducing Sourcesailor

SourceSailor is a CLI that helps anyone understand a codebase with the help of LLMs. This post introduces the tool, the features and tells the story how it came to be.…
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My Adventures With Local LLMs

After toying with GPT based models. I have also explored how we can use these models locally, without internet, having full control. This post describes my process and learnings about my explorations……
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My Usage of LLM Tools including ChatGPT, Copilot and others.

In this post I am writing about My Usage of LLM Tools including ChatGPT, Copilot and others. What do I use, how do I use and what are my thoughs about many of the things. Including some posts or online resources that helped me in my journey.…
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Taking Interviews in the time of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is changing the way we conduct interviews. In this post, I will discuss the importance of asking practical questions, assessing cultural fit, and evaluating a candidate’s ability to keep up with the latest developments during interviews. And how we can accept ChatGPT or similar tools in the interview process. And add more layers in the assessment process.…
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