YAC - Some Kotlin Magic

In this post I will share some examples of how Kotlin helped me to overcome problems I have faced in Java…
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YAC - Why? Lollipop And Kotlin

In second part of the series I talk about why I decided to choose Lollipop as Min SDK and why I developed the app in kotlin…
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YAC - Why? The app

In this series, I will be talking about some desicions I have taken during the development of my new app YAC. This first part is about why I decided to develop the app.…
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Yac Roadmap

Thanks to your support and interest, YAC is constantly evolving. I have laid plans in this post about what I am going to do around which milestones.…
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Working With databinding

Databinding is a powerful tool. It not only reduces boilerplate coding but it also helps us to deliver testable code very fast. I gave a talk to my team regarding to databinding tool. Here is the slideshow and talk excerpt.…
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