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AI Agentic Workflow Andrew Ng

Posted on Sep 25, 2024, 2 minute read

Table Of Contents

Youtube Video, via JS Party podcast episode Building LLM agents in JS


Non Agentic workflow: Do it start to finish. Mostly zero shot prompts.

Agentic workflow: Revise, iterative, reflect, use tools if you need to….

Four design patterns.

1. Reflect: Produce one thing and ask another chat thread with different system prompt to evaluate it. E.g. Create a code, than ask a rubberduck debugger to read it line by line, or run the test suite and provide the result to LLM generated the code to evaluate it. Or write a post, and ask an editor LLM to reflect it, and ask writer LLM to update the post on feedback.

2. Tool Use: Use tools and function calls, there are lot of that, even we have developed one for SourceSailor.

3. Planning: Like give a task to LLM and then ask it to plan the solution step by step, and then ask LLM to execute the plan. Take the task description, create a plan, break a plan to subtasks, and then use aider to execute the plan.

4. Multiagent Collaboration: Create multiple LLMs for one single task, and create an orchestrator LLM to collaborate between them. Like one LLM (Powred by sonnet) for figuring out style, another LLM (Opus) for generating the writing, another LLM (Opus or Gemini or GPT) to do the reflection and a haiku or 4o powered LLM which orchestrates between them.

See Also



- Generative AI      - LLM      - Agents      - Andrew Ng